Monday, February 1, 2016

Thinking with Type comments

What are the advantages of a multiple column grid? 
More flexibility! You can better articulate hierarchy, and integrate text with illustrations more successfully.

How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
6-7 words/line.

Why is the baseline grid used in design?

It anchors basically all elements of your design into a common rhythm.

What are reasons to set type justified? ragged (unjustified)?
Justified: makes efficient use of space, and creates a clean, compact shape.  Ragged: Can look pleasently uneven, giving a 'natural, easy' feel to the reading, especially when hyphenation is kept to a minimum.  

What is a typographic river?

Gaps in typesetting that appear to run through a paragraph, and are caused due to a concidental aligning of spaces.

What does clothesline, hang-line or flow line mean?
It is a horizontal reference point on your grid, which type can 'hang' down from on a vertical rag.

What does type color/texture mean?
These ideas are put to use when mixing typefaces.  You want to create a 'salad' of typography, with a variety of sizes, colors, textures, etc. You should strive for contrast, rather than harmony (but don't get too wild). 

How does x-height effect type color?

A shorter x-height can make the letterforms appear smaller, and harder to read. Therefore, you shouldn't choose a hard-to-read color (such as soemthing bright or light) for a typeface with a small x-height.

What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?

Some ways to indicate a new paragraph include; indentation, skipping a line between paragraphs (adding a space), line break, outdent (hanging indentation), add a symbol, etc.!
Yes, there are rules... avoid indenting the very first line of a body of text, use the 'Space After Paragraph' feature when "skipping" a line of text (so that you don't waste space), 

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